Open-Source Robot pib wins German Design Award 2025

The world of robotics is evolving – and right in the middle of it: pib. This humanoid robot, entirely  3D-printable, has received a prestigious award. The German Design Award 2025 has been  granted to the printable intelligent bot, recognizing not only its technological sophistication but  also its innovative design. But what makes pib so special? 

A Robot for Everyone – and by Everyone 

Imagine a robot that anyone can build and program themselves. A robot that isn’t just a  technical gadget but an inspiration to create, research, and explore new paths in robotics. That’s  exactly what pib is. Its open-source approach has a central goal: to make robotics and AI more  accessible while breaking down technological barriers. Whether you’re a tinkerer, a student, or  simply a technology enthusiast, pib invites everyone to be part of its ever-growing community. 

German Design Award 2025: Recognition for Visionary Product Design 

The German Design Award is one of the most prestigious awards for outstanding design. Every  year, an international panel of experts honors innovative concepts in product design,  communication, and architecture. This year, pib impressed the jury with its “Excellent Product  Design” in the category „AI in Product Design Processes“ – a testament to how technology and  aesthetics can go hand in hand. 

Technology Meets Creativity 

pib is more than just a robot – it is a platform for innovative technologies. The project enables  curious minds to experiment with 3D printing, robotics, and artificial intelligence in a playful and  hands-on way. No prior knowledge is required; anyone can contribute, co-create, and learn. The  community plays a crucial role: the newly designed, human-like body that won the German  Design Award was developed by a community member using CAD software. 

Jürgen Baier, founder of pib, is thrilled about the recognition: „We are proud that pib has won the  German Design Award! For us, this confirms that we are on the right path to making robotics and  AI more accessible and tangible for everyone. It’s great to see that our vision of inspiring people  to create and explore resonates so well.“ 

Learning with pib: Schools and Media Centers Adopt the Humanoid Robot 

But it’s not just the maker community that’s excited about pib. More than 35 schools and media  centers are already using it as an innovative learning platform. Students and teachers alike are  leveraging this humanoid robot to explore future technologies in an interactive, hands-on  manner. The focus goes beyond technical skills to include creative problem-solving and  teamwork. By bringing knowledge to life, pib makes robotics and AI tangible – opening doors to  the careers of tomorrow. 

Open Source and Limitless Possibilities 

Behind pib stands isento GmbH, a Nuremberg-based company specializing in software  development and AI solutions. However, the robot thrives not only due to the work of isento  employees but also through the contributions of its community. 3D printing files, detailed  assembly instructions, programming code, AI skills, and a knowledge database are all freely  available online – an open invitation to help shape the future of robotics. 

Winning the German Design Award is a well-deserved honor for pib. But for this project, the  award means much more: it is motivation to push the boundaries of what’s possible with open-source robotics even further. So if you’ve ever wondered how to create your own humanoid robot  – pib has the answer. 

New Version of the 3D Printable Humanoid Robot  pib To Be Released in August

At the last Robotics Meetup Nuremberg, significant updates about the humanoid robot pib were announced: a new version is set to be released in August. 

Changes from Last Year’s Version: 

Stylish Design: The upper body has been redesigned to be more stylish, with hidden screws and motors, and no loose cables. 

Easier Assembly: The new version offers simpler assembly. 

Enhanced Motors: The shoulders are now equipped with stronger motors.

Improved Imitation Feature: Previously, pib could only follow horizontal  movements. The updated version can also follow vertical movements.

Upgraded Electronics: The electronics have been upgraded to a Raspberry  Pi 5. 

Dockerization: pib is now dockerized, allowing installation on various  software systems. This was a community effort, especially during the last  hackathon. 

Digital Twin: A digital twin has been developed, enabling simulations and  machine learning. 

Continuity and Compatibility 

Not everything has changed. The camera and display remain the same, and efforts  have been made to maintain compatibility with the previous version. Updated tutorials  are being prepared to ensure easy assembly. 

The meetup also featured a guest speaker from EduArt Robotik, who introduced EduArt, the robot. After the presentations and discussions, everyone enjoyed pizza and drinks while networking with fellow robotics enthusiasts. 

At The Bleeding Edge Of Robotics: 2 Year Milestone For pib

2 years ago, the open source robotics project pib was launched. The goal of pib, the printable intelligent bot anyone can build themselves, is to lower the barriers and make robotics and AI accessible to anyone who is interested. Over the past two years, pib has built an active and dedicated community that supports the project in moving forward. Therefore, a lot has happened since the project launch – time to look back on how far pib has come.

Milestones, Challenges and What Comes Next

It’s not every day that a robot turns two years old, so the team celebrated with a big party. The all new pib documentary was streamed to kick off the event, followed by different stations for guests to experience pib’s newest features hands-on.

pib started out as an idea that slowly took shape in the form of a master thesis and a robotic arm. From there, a humanoid robot was created that can easily be 3D printed with the free 3D print files on the website and then built with the help of the building manuals online. pib offers many ways to implement AI trainings such as voice assistant technology, object detection, imitation and more.

For starters, the pib team and the community have optimized pib’s mobility in a joint effort. The result is impressive: In its newest version, pib can now move its arms at basically all angles.  Another rapidly progressing topic is pib’s digital twin which received a birthday present by the community members that took on this project: The camera now works in the virtual environment, enabling the camera stream to be transmitted to the outside world to be analyzed there and then become the base of control processes.

Talk To Me, pib!

Aside from that, there has been some significant progress in the field of human-machine interaction, particularly focusing on enabling voice-based communication with pib through advanced voice assistant technology. Exploring the potential of natural speech interaction has become a significant area of the team’s current efforts and the project is committed to advancing pib’s capabilities in this direction.

One of the newest features that were revealed at the pib party is communication in a multimodal world. The robot captures an image, analyzes it, and then answers questions in relation to the image. For example, when asking pib “where are we right now?” it interprets the room and its setting and will answer something like “we are in an office space”.

With this new feature, pib was also able to play its first round of Tic Tac Toe. The team drew the gameboard on a whiteboard so that pib was able to analyze the current state of the game and determine the next move with commands such as “place the next X in the top right corner”.

Join The Community

The pib community is rapidly growing and consists of 3D printing, robotics and AI enthusiasts. Whether you’re a rookie or an expert, anyone is invited to join, share their ideas and work on exciting projects together.

Rotrics DexArm @ RobotsBlog

What would you do with your own robot arm? How can it support me at work? What can you automate, just for fun?

I have collected answers to these questions and ideas for projects over the last few years. If you have ideas or wishes for what a robot arm should do for you, please contact me. In the near future you will find various projects and results on Robots-Blog and our social media channels.
I am supported by a Rotrics DexArm, which was kindly provided to me in the Luxury Kit version.

This version comes with a wide range of tools that make the maker’s heart beat faster. The Rotrics DexArm is supplied with the following tools:

– 1 x Rotrics DexArm
– 1 x pen holder module
– 1 x 3D printing module
– 1 x laser module
– 1 x safety goggles
– 1 x pneumatic module
– 1 x Air pump housing
– 3 x suction cup
– 3 x soft gripper
– 1 x touch screen
– 1 x extruder
– 1 x construction plate
– 5 x print stickers & wooden plates
– 1 x DC Y power divider
– 1 x power supply
– 2 x Dual Type-C cables
– 1 x Type-C cable
– 1 x tweezers
– 1 x spare nozzle

The packaging of the Rotrics DexArm deserves special mention. It comes in a great reusable hard foam case that makes the arm and its accessories safe for transport.

Here are the hard facts for the technology fans among you:

Basic version:
– Payload: max. 500g
– Dimensions: 175 x 128 x 315mm
– Repeat accuracy: 0.05mm
– Speed: max. 500mm/s
– Axes: 4
– Precision: 0.1mm
– Weight: 2.4kg

3D printing:
– Build volume: 220 x 220 x 250mm
– Layer resolution: 0.1mm
– Printable materials: PLA, ABS, wood, carbon fibre
– Nozzle travel speed: up to 150mm/s

Rotrics DexArm @ RobotsBlog

Was würdet ihr mit einem eigenen Roboterarm machen? Wie kann er mich bei der Arbeit unterstützen? Was kann man, einfach nur zum Spaß, automatisieren?

Antworten auf diese Fragen und Ideen für Projekte habe ich in den letzten Jahren gesammelt. Solltet ihr Ideen oder Wünsche haben was ein Roboterarm für euch machen soll, kontaktiert mich. In nächster Zeit werdet ihr verschiedene Projekte und Ergebnisse hierzu auf Robots-Blog und unseren Social-Media-Kanälen finden.
Unterstützt werde ich hierbei von einem Rotrics DexArm, der mir dankenswerterweise in der Luxury Kit Variante zur Verfügung gestellt wurde.

Diese Ausstattungsvariante kommt mit verschiedensten Werkzeugen, die das Maker-Herz höher schlagen lassen. So kommt der Rotrics DexArm mit folgendem Lieferumfang:

• 1 x Rotrics DexArm
• 1 x Stifthalter-Modul
• 1 x 3D-Druckmodul
• 1 x Lasermodul
• 1 x Schutzbrille
• 1 x Pneumatikmodul
• 1 x Luftpumpengehäuse
• 3 x Saugnapf
• 3 x Soft-Greifer
• 1 x Touchscreen
• 1 x Extruder
• 1 x Konstruktionsplatte
• 5 x Druckaufkleber & Holzplatten
• 1 x DC Y Leistungsteiler
• 1 x Netzteil
• 2 x Dual Type-C Kabel
• 1 x Type-C Kabel
• 1 x Pinzette
• 1 x Ersatzdüse

Hervorzuheben ist hier noch mal besonders die Verpackung des Rotrics DexArm. Dieser wird in einem tollen wiederverwendbaren Koffer aus Hartschaum geliefert, der den Arm und sein Zubehör sicher transportfähig gemacht.

Hier noch die harten Fakten für die Technik-Fans unter euch:

Basis Version:
• Nutzlast: max. 500g
• Abmessungen: 175 x 128 x 315mm
• Wiederholgenauigkeit: 0,05mm
• Geschwindigkeit: max. 500mm/s
• Achsen: 4
• Präzision: 0.1mm
• Gewicht: 2,4kg

• Aufbauvolumen: 220 x 220 x 250mm
• Schichtauflösung: 0.1mm
• Druckbare Materialien: PLA, ABS, Holz, Kohlefaser
• Düsenfahrgeschwindigkeit: bis zu 150mm/s

3D-gedruckte Kunststoff-Zahnräder: Schneller zur Serie durch igus Online-Lebensdauerberechnung

Online-Seminar vermittelt in 30 Minuten Wissen zu 3D-gedruckten Tribo-Zahnrädern und der Nutzung hilfreicher Web-Tools

Köln, 31. August 2020 – Zahnräder aus Tribo-Kunststoffen bieten zahlreiche Vorteile: Im Gegensatz zu Metall-Zahnrädern sind sie leicht, leise, selbstschmierend und wartungsarm. Doch welche Lasten hält ein Kunststoff-Zahnrad überhaupt aus und wie lange? Die Antworten darauf gibt Tom Krause, Leiter Additive Fertigung bei igus. Der Experte zeigt in einem 30-minütigen Online-Seminar wie die Lebensdauer von Kunststoff-Zahnrädern berechnet und schon bei der Auslegung und Konstruktion optimiert werden kann.

Längst werden Kunststoff-Zahnräder nicht mehr nur in Nischen wie dem Modellbau eingesetzt. Durch ihre additive Fertigung ergeben sich inzwischen Möglichkeiten, die bisher mechanisch nicht umsetzbar waren. „Das gilt beispielsweise für die Optimierung der Zahnradgeometrie“, stellt Tom Krause, Leiter Additive Fertigung bei der igus GmbH, heraus. „Da es sich um eine vergleichsweise neue Möglichkeit handelt, Zahnräder zu konstruieren, vermitteln wir jetzt in einem Online-Seminar, wie man diese Potenziale effektiv nutzen kann.“ Der Workshop dauert 30 Minuten und findet am 16. September 2020 um 10 Uhr statt. Die Teilnehmer sind anschließend in der Lage, die Lebensdauer von verschleißarmen und schmierfreien Tribo-Kunststoff-Zahnrädern in ihren jeweiligen bewegten Anwendungen und Umgebungen einfach zu bestimmen. Und das, ohne die deutlich umständlichere Tragfähigkeitsberechnung durchführen zu müssen. Sie lernen Zahnmodul und Zahnbreite mit dem von igus bereitgestellten kostenlosen Online-Tool vorzunehmen und zu optimieren. Auf diese Weise können Versuchs- und Testzeiten auf dem Weg zur Serienanwendung erheblich reduziert werden. Neben einer theoretischen Einführung fokussiert sich der Workshop auf die praktische Tool-Nutzung. So können die Teilnehmer diese mit Blick auf ihren Anwendungsfall direkt ausprobieren und sofort Fragen an den Experten stellen.

Einfach und schnell zum 3D-gedruckten Zahnrad

Die von igus bereitgestellten Online-Tools wie der iglidur Designer und der Zahnrad Lebensdauerrechner sind kostenlos und ohne Anmeldung auf der igus Webseite frei zugänglich. Die Datenbasis stammt direkt aus dem hauseigenen 3.800 Quadratmeter großen igus Testlabor, in dem Zahnräder aus verschleißfesten iglidur Kunststoffen, im Vergleich zu anderen Werkstoffen, umfangreich getestet werden. So stellte sich dort in Testreihen heraus, dass aus iglidur gedruckte Zahnräder rund 80 Prozent verschleißfester sind als herkömmliche Kunststoffe. Mit mehr als 120.000 gedruckten Teilen im vergangenen Jahr und acht SLS-Druckern verteilt auf Europa, Asien und Amerika, gehört die additive Fertigung heute mit 11 eigenen verschleißfesten iglidur Werkstoffen fest zu den etablierten Produktionsverfahren des Unternehmens. Die 3D-gedruckten Zahnräder sind in nur drei Tagen versandfertig.

Zahnräder zu konstruieren ist aufgrund der komplexen Evolventenverzahnung ohne Hilfsmittel oftmals schwierig. Doch nicht nur die Konstruktion, auch die Auswahl des richtigen Materials und des geeigneten Fertigungsverfahrens sind entscheidende Kriterien für ein langlebiges Zahnrad. In einem Live-Webinar am 31. Januar 2019 widmet sich igus genau diesen Themen und stellt den Zahnradkonfigurator, die iglidur Hochleistungskunststoffe für das SLS-Verfahren sowie den igus 3D-Druckservice vor.

Mehr zum Online-Seminar und zur Anmeldung unter:öhere-lebensdauer-für-kunststoff-zahnräder

Ist die Teilnahme aus terminlichen Gründen nicht möglich, kann die Seminar-Aufzeichnung im Anschluss an die Veranstaltung zugeschickt werden:

Hitbot announces the Kickstarter launch of Z-Arm: An affordable & easy to use four-axis collaborative robotic arm

The Hitbot Z-Arm brings incredible versatility and convenience to hobbyists, makers and manufacturers. This one of a kind robotic arm can perform any number of tasks including 3D printing, soldering, engraving and assembly guided by a unique and intuitive set of programming tools that anyone can use.

Never before has the convenience and versatility of a SCARA (Selective Compliance Articulated Robot Arm) been so accessible and user friendly. This type of advanced robotic arm uses a parallel axis joint layout which articulates in a similar way to a human arm, making it faster and more accurate than mechanical arms of previous generations.  

These incredible robotic arms have been used in the most advanced manufacturing facilities for sorting, circuit building and even automobile assembly. Now, with the release of the Hitbot Z-Arm, this powerful technology is available to hobbyists, makers, inventors and robotics enthusiasts. This programmable robotic arm can be anything from a personal assistant to a useful tool or dependable production line component. The Z-Arm will change the way people use technology and provide a completely new type of easily programmable robotic tool.   

Unlike the complex and expensive industrial robotic arms that inspired it, the Z-Arm is extremely easy to program for virtually any task. No special programming knowledge is necessary, making it simple for anyone to use. It uses an integrated driver and motion controller that can be programmed with an intuitive App using a simple graphical interface. It can even be manually programmed by moving the arm itself to create repeatable motions for different tasks. 

The list of applications that can be applied to the Z-Arm is endless. It can perform 3D printing, laser engraving, circuit board design, soldering and PCB assembly. It can play games, write, cut, perform repetitious actions or simply help out around the house as a personal assistant. It is even equipped with a camera for accurate visual identification, perfect for sorting and organizing. It handles objects of all types, even carefully gripping fragile items with ease.  

For more complex processes, multiple Z-Arms can be programmed to work together. Z-Arm can also work alongside humans with its safety-rated monitored stop, which stops the robot if a human enters its collaborative workspace. As a programmable robotic arm with high precision, its uses are only limited by the imagination.  

In terms of specifications the Z-Arm has an impressive list including 0.02mm Repeatability, a 400 mm Reach, and a front arm Rotation of 360 degrees. Add to that, a 430°/s Speed and a Payload capacity of up to 2kg which allows it to deliver industrial grade performance in a cost-effective manner. It is simply one of the most versatile robotic arms available today.   

 “Our group of designers and robotics experts wanted to encourage innovation by making the most affordable industrial-quality robotic arm that had intuitive tools which make it easy to use for novices. The Z-Arm is the culmination of our dream, a mechanical arm for the masses that will make the power of robotics accessible to everyone.” Jun Tian, CEO Hitbot LTD 

The team behind Hitbot are designers, developers and robotics experts who have years of experience in the field and a passion for creating powerful robotics for consumers. Their unique products are designed to make robotics easy for anyone to program and use.  

The Hitbot Z-Arm is being launched via Kickstarter campaign so the company can reward their community of early adopters with special deals and pricing.  

LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 – Project „Mak3rBot“

The Mak3rBot is a LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot that consists of 3D printed Parts. The design is based on Damien Kees RileyRover / Joe Menos Retailrover as this design only needs a few parts. All parts were printed on a Vellemann k8200 3D printer. Most of the parts could be found on Thingiverse, some needed to be exported from Ldraw/LeoCAD. The LEGO ActionCam Camera mount has been designed by Andy Milluzzi. The mission of this robot is to travel to Maker Faires and share the #MINDSTORMSMAGIC with the makers around the world and show them that it is possible to combine LEGO with your maker hobby and create your own parts and robots.

The pictures were taken at Legoworld Utrecht 2016. The Mak3rbot robot and pictures were made by me, Sebastian Trella. Feel free to share pictures or contact me if you need more information or help with creating your own robot.

3D printing will be super easy with Doodle3D Transform, now on Kickstarter

Doodle3D, based in The Netherlands, is working on their second crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter. They are launching their new 2D-to-3D design app called Doodle3D Transform, which makes 3D-design and 3D-printing childsplay. The campaign runs until the 21st of October and has currently achieved 50% of its target.

In the application, simplicity is key. What makes it stand apart from the many other 3D design applications, is the fact that the user designs 3-dimensional shapes based on flat (2D) drawings.

Because of its accessibility, anyone can use the app to create their ideas, no matter their age or background.

Doodle3D Transform runs on Android, Apple and Windows tablets and computers. Designs can be 3D printed with your own 3D printer, or by using one of the many 3D printing services. The Doodle3D WiFi-Box, which was successfully funded on Kickstarter in 2013, can be used to wirelessly print your designs. For more information visit

Game-Changer: First 3D Printed, Educational Robot Launches on Kickstarter

Seattle, WA – SociallyShaped, an educational robotics company, is pleased to announce the first, advanced, 3D printed, customizable robot that teaches electronics, programming, and 3D design. Named Roby, this amazingly versatile robot has a full on-board computer and programming software designed to teach children the basics of programming. The first robot of it’s kind, Roby provides the platform needed to excel in many areas of technology.

The mission of SociallyShaped is to improve access to technical skills, and empower anyone to become innovators in the technology industry. You can become part of SociallyShaped’s community and mission by visiting

SociallyShaped is an educational robotics company, which encourages learning and entrepreneurialism for children and adults alike. SociallyShaped was founded by John Villwock, MBA (Cornell), Mikhail Stolpner, MBA (Cornell), and Aubra Taylor, MA in Seattle, WA. Combined, they have extensive experience in child development, technical innovation, programming, business management, 3D printing, and electrical engineering.